Macroom workhouse Board of Guardians (BG115)

Macroom Board of Guardians



8 Sep 1906 – 23 Feb 1907

Minutes of ordinary meetings are followed by tables for financial and statistical minutes (returns), and by a supplemental sheet for proceedings under the Medical Charities Act. Includes: 22 Sep 1906 Total inmates: 125. Out door relief: 398 persons. Clerk reports visit to the house by members of the Royal Commission for the Care and Control of the Feeble Minded. Relieving officer’s report regarding a home into wh ich a child is to be boarded out, noting that there are still two other children at nurse there. [See 6 Oct] 20 Oct 1906 Extract from Offence and Punishment Book: tobacco stopped in the case of three inmates who refused to work. Resolution by the guardian s and RDC condemning ‘the harsh eviction’ of Jerry Mahony of Ballingeary, and calling on farmers of Kanturk to prevent the landlord, Stephen Grehan, from hunting over their land. [See 17 Nov, 15 Dec] Out door relief granted to a mother of five living in a labourers’ cottage, her husband being unable to work. [See 3 Nov]

3 Nov 1906 Numbers of outstanding vaccination defaulters in each district.

1 Dec 1906 LG auditor’s report read, noting ‘the average weekly cost during the period under audit was very high’ . Applications for wage increases and bonuses considered [recurring items] Letter from the midwife, Macroom district, regarding the confinement in an outhouse of ‘a tramp’s wife’, to whom she went in the ambulance. Extracts from punishment book regarding five cases [recurring items].

15 Dec 1906 Solicitors’ letters in the case of the guardians versus a defendant ordered to give up a child boarded out to her, for return to the workhouse.

12 Jan 1907 Master’s report noting death of the porter [board resolut ion of sympathy notes he was at one time its vice chairman]. The master further reports that the medical officer privately offered a gallon of whiskey for the inmates at Christmas, but he refused to permit it owing to the rules. 9 Feb 1907 Resolution pass ed (7 votes to 4) asking again that the master’s salary be increased from £80 to £90, noting his extra work in the buying and selling of pigs, issuing accounts orders, and ‘his skill and judgement in his management of the farm and of the house generally’. LGB circular regarding contagious opthalmia, and medical inspection of children, noting ‘the health and prospects of the children in after -life are very frequently injuriously affected by neglect of their teeth in youth’. LGB letter regarding their inspect or’s report, which is ‘generally satisfactory’. Resolved ‘that we the members of this union take up the collection in support of JR O’Sullivan in their respective districts on Sunday’. Petition read requesting ‘a serviceable limb’ to allow a Clondrohid woman ‘to eke out an existence by her knowledge of dressmaking’. Resolved, on foot of circular from the Dublin Industrial Development

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