Kanturk workhouse Board of Guardians (BG98)

Kanturk Board of Guardians


20 Sep 1922 Letter from Patriotic Assurance Co, forwarding extracts from a letter by Hoey and Denny, their solicitors, referring to ‘the burning of the premises belonging to the Kanturk Union on the 8 th August by the IRA troops when vacating same’. It is asked that a statement be obtained from the cl erk of the union ‘to the effect that the premises were destroyed by the IRA troops and failing that, do you think we could obtain a similar statement from any actual witness of the occurrence ’. The clerk states he was not a witness. 18 Oct 1922 Clerk’s report stating that ‘Commandant -General Galvin of the National Army notified him on the 5 th instant that he will require the existing offices for the accommodation of troops’. [Newmarket Dispensary also used]. 15 Nov 1922 Letter from the board’s solicitor c onfirming that he has lodged an application for compensation of £33,000 with the provisional government in respect of the workhouse premises destroyed by fire on 10 August last; Department of Local Government letter regarding the ‘very large number of unva ccinated children’ in the county. It is noted that ‘there is something approaching an epidemic of small- pox in England and Wales’, and local authorities are urged ‘to safeguard the people from the ravages of small - pox’. 23 Jan 1923 Resolution of Longford Rural District Council adopted, calling on the government to arrange a truce, and for the convening of a meeting ‘for the purpose of finding some means of delivering our country from the present appalling state of affairs’.


2 May 1923 – 30 Apr 1924

The minutes for 30 Apr 1924 occur before those for 18 Apr 1924 at the end of the volume.


30 April 1924 Department of Local Government letter regarding a scheme for the relief of the poor in the county and county borough submitted by Cork County Council and the Cork County Borough Council under the Local Government (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923.

Cork City and County Archives 2011

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