Kanturk workhouse Board of Guardians (BG98)

Kanturk Board of Guardians



27 May 1899 – 23 May 1900

Pages for financial minutes have been incorporated into minutes of ordinary proceedings in this volume. Supplemental sheets for proceedings under the Medical Charities Acts follow the ordinary minutes. Meetings are held fortnightly.


27 May 1899 LGB letter approving of the suggestion ‘that a different uniform be provided for hospital patients and they would not raise any objection to the establishment of a distinctive dress for paying and non- paying patients’. 10 Jun 1899 Resolution of the All Ireland Pig Dealers Association regarding the preserving of fairs and markets for the sale of pigs adopted [adoption of resolutions of other unions and bodies a recurring item] 19 Jul 1899 Relieving Off icer’s report on children out at nurse in the Kanturk area, with the board adding ‘as the persons with whom these children are boarded out have a special interest in them the Guardians respectfully request the Local Government Board to permit the children to remain on the custody of their present foster parents’. 16 Aug 1899 LGB letter warning that unless the board engages a recognised medicine analyst at once, recoupment for drugs obtained by medical officers cannot be sanctioned. [Sir CA Cameron, Dublin, appointed] 13 Sep 1899 LGB letter acknowledging the board’s resolution regarding its overdraft, and pointing out that they should apply to the County Council for funds to meet requirements pending collection of the first rate [following the coming into effect of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898] 27 Sep 1899 Visiting Committee’s report, noting ‘we think the system of placing lunatics in the Dark Room should be discontinued as illegal, also the adoption of straight waistcoats, and that violent lunatics should be sent to Cork Asylum immediately on admission’ ; LGB letter directing that the master at once receive into the workhouse persons invalided from HM naval service, under the provisions of the Naval Enlistment Act 1884. 25 Oct 1899 Resolved, o n Visiting Committee’s recommendation, ‘that legal proceedings be instituted against the putative fathers of all illegitimate children in the house to compel them to contribute to their maintenance’. [See also 8 Nov 1899 regarding a consequent commencement of proceedings] 6 Dec 1899 Letter from Sir Timothy C O’ Brien expressing regret at ‘not being present to join in making our late valued official, the Fever Hospital nurse, a suitable allowance after all her efforts in the case of our suffering patients. I hope that we shall remember Mrs Sullivan well’.

20 Dec 1899 Medical Officer’s report, expressing views on dietary and noting

Cork City and County Archives 2011

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