Kinsale Board of Guardians IE CCCA/BG/108
List of Items and Descriptions
1. Minute Books
Kinsale Board of Guardian Minute Books
Scope and Content: A record of meetings and decisions made by the board of guardians in administering the workhouse and poor relief generally. At meetings, administrative, financial, rates, and medical books were examined, officers’ reports and committee findings heard, correspondence read and considered, and applications for admission decided on. Matters arising with regard to the workhouse, staff, provisions, bills, rate collection, the Poor Law Commissioners/Local Government Board, and other issues, were also discussed. The minutes also include weekly statistics of admissions, discharges, and deaths in the workhouse, and of outdoor relief.
Date : 2 Mar 1839 – 16 April 1924
Level : Series
Extent : 87 volumes
2 Mar 1839 – 28 Mar 1844
2 Mar 1839 First meeting elects chairman and vice-chairmen, and adopts bye- laws ‘to ensure regularity and order in the proceedings of this Board’.
8 Jun 1839 Committee appointed to meet with trustees of the fever hospital regarding the proposed transfer of that building and its lands to the PLC.
1 Jul 1839 Committee meeting to select two paid valuators for the union. Fifteen candidatures were considered.
31 Aug 1839 Resolved, to ask the PLC ‘to vest in the guardians a discretionary authority to admit the reporters of the press to their sittings’, the public press being ‘the only sure guarantee against abuse in the discharge of popular trusts’. 5 Oct 1839 Letter to PLC expressing concern at the cost of erecting the workhouse, noting that it is only one ninth less than it is for Bandon, which ‘contains nearly twice the number of acres and of inhabitants and probably a still greater proportion of rateable property’. Surprise is e xpressed that the proposed building has capacity for five hundred paupers, ‘being more than double the
Cork City and County Archives 2011
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