Kinsale workhouse Board of Guardians (BG108)

Kinsale Board of Guardians IE CCCA/BG/108

5. Workhouse: Administration


Master’s Journal

Scope and Content: Record of reports and information submitted by the master of the workhouse to the board on each board day. These include recurring items, such as food and goods required, utensils and clothing condemned, and exercise of children. It also includes reports of matters arising involving staff, inmates, and suppliers. Decisions or comments of the board (e.g. ‘approved’, ‘ordered’) are written in the margins and signed or initialled by the chairman of the board.

Date: 18 Sep 1902 – 14 Oct 1908

Level: Item

Extent: 1 vol



16 Oct 1902 Reports that an inmate admitted as a protestant now wishes to be registered as a Roman Catholic.

24 Feb 1904 Required: 660 lbs and 940 lbs bread, 6 and three-quarters lbs biscuits, 2 bottles of coffee, 16 and a quarter lbs beef, 6 beef heads, 12 and a half lbs chops, 588 lbs potatoes, 40 doz eggs, 2 and one eighth lbs tobacco, 1 lb snuff, 1022 and one third quarts new milk, 56 lbs salt, 7 lbs rice, 1 quart whisky, and various brushes, candles, shovels, and other utensils, and plumbing items.

23 Mar 1905 Reports children were taken out for exercise on 15, 16, 17, and 21 March, average time 58 minutes.

14 Nov 1906 Reports two paid male attendants for quarrelling.

23 Sep 1908 Reports that a trained nurse from the North Infirmary was requisitioned by the Medical Officer for temporary night duty.

Cork City and County Archives 2011

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