Kinsale workhouse Board of Guardians (BG108)

Kinsale Board of Guardians IE CCCA/BG/108

4. Statistics


Medical Officers’ Returns

Scope and Content: File of Medical Officers’ Returns (Form L), with some enclosures. The form is completed and returned half-yearly for a Dispensary District and is signed and dated by the Medical Officer. The form has three parts: I Statistical Return (number and type of cases); II Medical Charities (answers, usually yes or no, to a series of questions regarding Medicine, Vaccinations, Dispensary Arrangements, Midwife, and General Observations); III Public Health (answers, usually yes or no, to a series of questions regarding sanitary officers and sanitary arrangements). The forms present are for the Dispensary Districts of Ballymartle, Ballyfeard, and Carrigaline. There are also forms for Kinsale and Courceys Districts for March 1921. A small number of letters relating to the returns and numbers of cases, generally by the clerk of the union, occur in the file. Also present is a Certificate of Medical Practitioner under the Infectious Disease (Notification) Act, dated 3 May 1918, reporting a case of scarlatina in Ballyfeard District. In addition, the file contains a printed LGB memorandum ‘on the steps requisite to be taken on a notification of a case of small- pox’ [undated].

Date: 31 May 1915 – 31 Mar 1921

Level: File

Extent: 1 file

Cork City and County Archives 2011

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