Mallow Board of Guardians
LGB lett er noting the Food Controller’s statement that ‘unless the consumption of bread stuffs is reduced compulsory rationing will have to be resorted to ’ [owing to ‘a world shortage of cereals’]. Notice of motion, that a telephone be installed at the hospital and Dr V aughan’s house, for staff convenience, ‘and for communication in urgent cases between Mallow and Buttevant and the Hospital’.
121. – 135.
Agenda Book
Scope and Content: Volume containing notices of meetings, agendas, and lists of payments, sent by the clerk of the union to board members prior to each meeting of the board. Many notices for meetings of Mallow Rural District Council are also contained, the same clerk serving both bodies. Some rough notes have been written onto some of the papers, and onto blank spaces, seemingly by the clerk, who evidently used the volume as a working record. Some newscuttings of relevance to the work of the union and RDC have also been inserted.
Date : 28 Jul 1917 – 4 Jul 1919
Level : Item
Extent : 1 volume
Clerk’s Statement of Union Accounts
Scope and Content: Statement of accounts prepared by the clerk and his assistant, noting debits and credits for union accounts, arranged by date, folio number, an d ‘Item’ (description). Accounts include the Treasurer, Maintenance and Clothing, Relief Refunded, Establishment, Relieving Officers, Election Law, Dispensary Districts, General Union, Unpaid Bills, and Electoral Divisions. The statement ends with a balanc e for the Treasurer’s Account for half -year ending 29 Sep 1860.
Date : Half-year ended 31 Mar 1860
Level : Item
Extent : 1 volume
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