Bandon Board of Guardians
17 Aug 1842 Resolution regarding the delay in putting the present rate into effect owing to the ‘neglect’ of the PLC in not forwarding the Attorney General’s opinion on the necess ity of appointing a revisor, which ‘delay has placed this board in seriou s pecuniary difficulties’. [See also, eg, 21 Sep] 28 Sep 1842 PLC letter regarding admission of a husband or wife and children where a spouse re fuses to enter. They note ‘in administ ering relief a family must be considered as a whole and mutually dependant one upon another and one part cannot be deemed to be destitute and the other not so’. 12 Oct 1842 Resolved, that it is the board’s opinion that the transfer of medical charities t o the PLC ‘would prove destructive to the character and efficiency of the medical profession, injurious to the interests of the poor’ and would involve greater public expense for less relief. [See also 30 Nov 1842] 23 Nov 1842 Resolution stating the findi ng that ‘rumours... as regards the immorality of certain females in this house are quite unfounded’. [See 14 Dec] Resolutions regarding ‘the total failure of the Poor Law as a general measure of relief’ and ‘the unhappily daily increasing symptoms of oppos ition to the collection of the rates’. Committee to draft a petition created. [See, eg, 22 Feb] 25 Jan 1843 Resolved, that ‘the most stringent measures’ be used to compel payment of poor rates by Mr Halyburton, a guardian, whose refusal ‘prevented the rate payers in general of Kinneigh from paying’.
19 Apr 1843 Resolved, to send a memorial to Treasury ‘praying exemption from the loan advanced for building the workhouse’. [See also 20 Nov 1844]
26 Apr 1843 Resolved, that the schoolmaster ‘shall in no inst ance strip the boys for administering… punishment’.
10 May 1843 Resolutions debated regarding ‘interfere nce in the religious professions of the Protestant paupers ’ by the RC chaplain [see 31 Jan 1844].
19 Jul 1843 Resolution calling the PLC’s attention to a report showing ‘the very ineffective manner in which the walls of this house have been built’ and claimi ng remedial costs ‘should be borne by the Commissioners’ architect’. 17 Aug 1843 Resolved, ‘that charges of fraud and peculation against the master and matron have not been substantiated’, but some ‘irregularities’ having been proved, that the Assistant PL Commissioner caution the parties. 1 Nov 1843 Resolved, in view of ‘the ravages made by Small Pox in the neighbourhood of Timoleague and its vicinity introduced by itinerant inoculation’, that the services of ‘respectable medical practitioners’ be sought.
1 May 1844 Six vaccination districts proposed [see also 8 May and 2 Oct].
28 Aug 1844 List of rates struck off the rate books [mainly properties unoccupied or valued under £4. Over 900 properties in all].
Cork City and County Archives 2011
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