Bandon Board of Guardians
28 Dec 1839 Resolved, to sign and forward the deed to the Exchequer Bill Loan Commissioners; resolved, to express satisfaction at Assistant Commissioner Voules’s explanation with regard to this loan ; resolved, that a cheque be drawn for the amount of purchase of the workhouse site.
[Minutes are quite feint for the period February 1840 to May 1841. Site of Workhouse, the valuation and objections to it, and vaccination all discussed]
17 Nov 1841 Visiting committee appointed [to inspect workhouse] and stated dietary for inmates adopted. [18 May 1842: Report on Dietary].
24 Nov 1841 Meeting adjourned owing to the board ‘being occupied in the investigation of the admission of paupers until half past 4 o ’clock’.
1 Dec 1841 Resolution calling the attention of the Assistant Poor Law Commissioner to the visiting committee’s report, noting ‘the defective state of the roof’, making ‘several of the dormitories... quite uninh abitable ’. 5 Jan 1842 Report of the finance committee, recommending that ‘the treatment of hospital patients... be studiously adapted to the habits, the comforts and the facilities for treatment and attention of the inhabitants of the union generally’; the recommendation is made ‘from the c onviction that many of the benefits conferred by the hospital of this institution are not enjoyed by a large class of the ratepayers’.
19 Jan 1842 Resolved, that the guardians and the clerk collect subscriptions for the Bandon Union Agricultural Society.
26 Jan 1842 Resolved, to suspend admission of foundling infants pending direction from the PLC as to whether they should be admitted and nurses hired to rear them, or whether they should be put at nurse outside the house ‘which would be much more economical’. The request is made in the context of magistrates and ratepayers having refused to present for support of parish foundlings at recent sessions. [See also 23 Feb 1842] 9 Feb 1842 Resolved, that parish wardens are asked to make a list of persons in the ir districts ‘who are likely to become applicants’. Response to certificate from the Master, Cork Workhouse, regarding two Bandon natives who were received and fed in Cork. The board consider his action ‘wholly illegal’ as it adopts ‘out door relief and a law of settlement neither of which are recognised by the Poor Relief Act’.
4 May 1842 Insertion, opinion of Assistant Poor law Commissioner Voules on the use of distress and distrain for recovery of arrears of rates.
15 Jun 1842 Resolved, ‘that each paup er should be known by his or her number and that each class should be subdivided and placed under the superintendence of a ward master or mistress’, the latter being responsible for their ‘orderly conduct’ and the carrying out of regulations ‘particularly as regards work and employment’, and to report to the master every evening.
Cork City and County Archives 2011
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