Bandon workhouse Board of Guardians (BG42)

Bandon Board of Guardians



Bandon Union Financial Statements - Receipts

Scope and Content: Record of monthly financial statements of receipts, for each half-year. The printed statement forms (called ‘Form 1 (article 9)’) contain the following headings: date when lodged with Treasurer, From whom received, particulars of receipt, total amount received, and classification of receipts. The last field is broken down into the following classes: County Council money supplied on demand of Guardians, repayment of relief, rents of dispensary residences, farm account – sale of produce, sales of offal, old stores and other receipts, loans received. Each form notes the total amount of receipts for the month and the ledger folio to which amounts are posted. At the end of each statement is a certificate of the clerk of the Union and a certificate of confirmation by Guardians, certifying, respectively, that statements are correct and accounted for, and that they have been examined and confirmed.

Date : 24 Aug 1915 – 30 May 1924

Level : Item

Extent : 1 volume


Bandon Union Bank Book

Scope and Content: Record of credits and debits, maintained by the clerk. Credits consist mainly of funding from Cork County Council. Debits are mainly wages. Note, 7 Jun 1924: ‘Ba lance of a/c transferred to credit of Cork Co Co @ Head Office under authority of ministry of Local Government’ . Initialled [by auditor] 2 Jul 1925.

Date : 31 May 1922 – 7 Jun 1924

Level : Item

Extent : 1 volume

Cork City and County Archives 2011

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