Bandon Board of Guardians
18 Nov 1922 – 19 Apr 1924
Partially indexed. Some rough notes inserted inside back cover. Includes:
18 Nov 1922 Clerk’s report stating that there are 24 patients in the dispensary hospital and no inmates in the workhouse. He advises, in the case of staff being dispensed with, that the master be retained to be responsible for stock.
24 Nov 1922 Special meeting, resolution passed condemning the continued imprisonment of Mary McSwiney TD and the recent executions in Dublin.
27 Jan 1923 Inmates: 25. Out door relief: 331 persons. Letter from clerk, Clonakilty Union, applying for £24 13s 4d, maintenance for Bandon inmates for the period to 30 Sep, and explaining the average cost. 10 Feb 1923 LG Dept circular regarding the ‘alarming’ increase in home help (outdoor relief), insisting that the acts be strictly followed [see 17 Feb, 29 Dec. See also 10 Mar: applications for relief from tenants of labourers’ cottages]. Complaint by a hired- out orphan ‘that her employer refused to allow her attend Divine Worship on several occasions’ and has not given her wag es or clothes since she entered his service, on 18 Dec 1920. 24 Mar 1923 Resolution welcoming the Pope’s special envoy to Ireland and pointing out that during ‘similar upheaval’ in the USA, ‘a tacit understanding prevailed between the combatants not to en force the extreme penalty’, which ‘historic fact’ they place before ‘those in Authority’ as a ‘noble precedent’. 2 Jun 1923 Clerk’s report stating that the workhouse premises is to be taken over by the military, who will instead give to the board houses at the Green, Bandon. [See also, eg, 6 Oct] 14 Jul 1923 Resolution of Youghal Board of Guardians adopted, calling for establishment of Catholic church holidays in place of English bank holidays. Relieving Officer’s report of a deserted child. Case referred to Civic Guards.
22 Sep 1923 Noted, in reply to LG Dept letter, that ‘Bandon Workhouse was not occupied by British Troops’.
6 Oct 1923 Solicitor’s letter stating that the Shaw Commission is prepared to award £1325 10s for destruction of the workhouse. Accepted.
3 Nov 1923 Resolved, on foot of deputation, that the board cease to function, apart from financial business and outdoor relief, ‘until the prisoners at present on hunger strike in Irish jails and camps are released’. [Rescinded, 1 Dec]
26 Jan 19 24 Resolution condemning ‘the outrage perpetrated at St Peter’s Protestant Church’, which the board attributes to ‘mental degenerates’.
9 Feb 1924 Letter from TJ Murphy [TD], noting that Bandon is to have a cottage hospital under the draft amalgamation scheme. The board resolves to point out ‘the absolute necessity’ for a general hospital.
Cork City and County Archives 2011
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