Bandon Board of Guardians
9 Oct 1920 – 4 Nov 1922
Partially indexed. Includes:
16 Oct 1920 Special meeting ‘to consider the financial state of the union’.
20 Nov 1920 Letter from Major Knowles asking if the board has any objection to the erection of a permanent memorial in Kilbrogan RC burial ground ‘over the grave of every soldier, sailor, airman etc who died during the War’. No objec tion made.
15 Jan 1921 Reply to LGB letter stating ‘the board have decided that vaccination be optional with parents’.
12 Feb 1921 Resolved, that the board ‘sever our connection with the English Local Government Board, and renew our allegiance to Dail Eireann, the only constituted authority in the country’. [See 18 Dec 1920, 15 Jan & 12 Mar 1921] 12 Mar 1921 Letter from Dunmanway Union requesting that fever patients may be admitted to Bandon’s fever hospital, owing to the military occupation of hospital accommodation at Dunmanway workhouse.
9 Apr 1921 Resolved, ‘that the master be directed to discharge all the able bodied males in the hospital immediately’. [Inmates: 112; Out door: 250]
7 May 1921 Resolved, that out door relief be discontinued in the four districts, the board to consider any fresh applications.
2 Jul 1921 Mas ter’s report regarding the burning of Bandon workhouse and fever hospital on 23 Jun (by ‘a large party of men’). Hospital patients are to be moved to Bandon dispensary. Male inmates are in the boardroom and No 1 dormitory, female inmates in the separation ward. LG Dept letter regarding the case of Dr James Crowley, medical officer, Murragh Dispensary District, ‘who has been ordered out of the county’. 14 Jul 1921 Special meeting regarding accommodation of inmates after the fire. Able-bodied inmates are to be transferred, if willing, to Clonakilty Union, or granted outdoor relief. Children are to be boarded out. 27 Aug 1921 Resolution calling the LG Dept’s attention to the fact that the quarterly instalment from Cork County Council has not been paid (£3673-10), meaning salaries and suppliers have not been paid and outdoor relief halted. 5 Nov 1921 Resolution, in response to a County Council letter regarding amalgamation of unions, recommending the reconstruction of Bandon fever hospital for use as a district hospital, and other arrangements. [See also, eg, 15 Dec 1923]
2 Jan 1922 Resolved, at a special meeting, ‘that this board take no action on
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