Bandon Board of Guardians
17 Jun 1847 Special meeting regarding warrants for paying to the Bandon Finance Committee sums [for relief] owed by stated electoral divisions. It is stated ‘there are not sufficient funds in hands of the union at present to meet said warrants’, but the board resolves to strike ‘additional and sufficient rates’, and in the meantime asks for an advance from the Relief Commissioners. 23 Jun 1847 Resolved, that as sheds containing 100 beds have been erected since the PLC order limiting admissions to 1000, the board ‘feel themselves justified in admitting additional persons’. [Total inmates: 1040. Deaths: 31] Resolution expressing the view that the change in the law on charging paupers ‘will be of the greatest evil in its effects’, as ‘in a short time all will be charged to the general union’, ending ‘private exertion to keep down pauperism’. 28 Jul 1847 Resolution regarding the ‘very frequent’ practice of ‘parents sending their children into the workhouse as orphans’, ordering that no children be admitted as orphans without a provisional order. Resolution appointing relieving officers to 5 districts [see 21 Jul and 29 Sep]. 25 Aug 1847 Resolutions declaring rates and thanking Captain Huband (Govt Inspector) and Messrs Swanston and Wheeler ‘for the able diligent and efficient manner in which they have conducted the financial affairs of the union under the Temporary Relief Act ’ and superv ised relief committees. [15 Sep: balances for relief left on hand (over £1500) lodged to credit of EDs] 15 Sep 1847 Resolution expressing the view ‘that it would not be desirable to alter the Bandon union under the present circumstances of the country’. Resolution seeking PLC permission for the board to take over the Bandon Fever Hospital and dispensary relief in the town for the next three months, both institutions being without funds, and the relief committee and private subscribers being unable to keep the hospital going. [See also, eg, 13 Oct] Note regarding 6 children sent by Dunmanway guardians ‘with directions... to leave them on the ground if the guardians would not receive them’. 27 Oct 1847 Note expressing ‘deepest regret’ that the Relief Commiss ion has directed all advances made by them be repaid. It is felt the PLC should have given notice ‘and not allow a board of guardians who have by their acts set an example to the South of Ireland to be placed in the unpleasant position of having their trea surer refuse to pay their cheques’. It is noted that rates have been struck to meet both the advances and permanent out door relief and that ‘the board has always exhibited its readiness to meet its liabilities with due regard to the capabilities of the ra te payers’ . Forbearance is requested.
17 Nov 1847 Resolved, that Overton Mills be taken as temporary workhouse.
2 Feb 1848 Total inmates: 1912 (admitted this week: 246; deaths: 17). Resolutions regarding preparation of information on inmates in both houses and their localities, and on admission by tickets issued by relieving officers.
8 Mar 1848 Total inmates: 2177 [capacity: 1075 (main house), 800 (Overton)] Resolved, to grant ten pounds to purchase ‘hoops & c for the children’.
Cork City and County Archives 2011
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