Bandon Board of Guardians
6 Jan 1847 – 8 Mar 1848
17 Feb 1847 Total inmates; 1235. Deaths: 33. Rate struck ‘to meet the proposed temporary measures for the relief of the destitute, if same shall be demanded by the several relief committees likely to be appoi nted under the proposed government measure’ . [See also 31 May] Resolved, to appoint a committee to receive estimates for sheds for additional accommodation, according to the plans of Mr Wilkinson, PLC architect. Resolved, to prepare a return of guardians’ attendance to post in board room. 8 Mar 1847 S pecial meeting held, at which it was resolved (1) ‘that as the great pressure in the workhouse is at the female side… a permanent enlargement’ is required, and that sheds to accommodate 250 persons be constructed forthwith; (2) that legal provisions regarding the towns of Clonakilty and Bandon be put in force; (3) ‘that the Board of Health should appoint Dr Wood the Medical Officer of the Union’; (4) that tenders be sought for a piece of land for ‘a burying ground for the union paupers’. 24 Mar 1847 Resolution closing the house [to new admissions], as the medical officer’s report states that the hospital is overcrowded and warns of ‘dangerous consequences… if any more persons were admitted’. 31 Mar 1847 Resolution empowering the clerk ‘to have earth and lime conveyed to Ballymooden burial ground to cover the coffins of paupers now improperly exposed’ . 7 Apr 1847 Resolution making arrangements to meet bills owed and explaining to the PLC that the union’s treasu rer refuses to make any advances without the personal security of guardians. They ask the PLC to sanction an advance without such security ‘when their want of funds is caused by the pressure of the times and the death and sickn ess of their officers’ [Rate revisor (and porter and two guardians) reported dead around this time. See 17 Mar]. Resolved, guardians to estimate population, destitution, and costs in each ED. 28 Apr 1847 Resolution of the committee of Bandon Fever Hospital placing the hospital at the disposal of the board ‘until the new hospital about to be built is completed’. In a resolution the board recommend that the committee apply to the Bandon Relief Committee ‘with a view of carrying out the new Fever Act’. Another resolution refers to increasing fever and ‘disastrous results’ if there is further delay by the Board of Health in placing the Union under 9 Vic C 6. They also resolve to call government’s attention to the state of graveyards, ‘which are endangering the lives of all classes in the country’. 14 Jun 1847 Special Meeting passes resolution expressing ‘great regret’ that the PLC is to make a loan of only £1200, for the fever hospital, not the £3000 sought by the board for additional buildings. The board stress ‘the utmost necessity for i ncreasing the workhouse accommodation’ and ‘the utter impossibility of this board to contract a loan from any other quarter’.
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