Clonakility workhouse Board of Guardians (BG65)


IE CCCA/BG/65 Clonakilty Board of Guardians

support of the poor and for establishment and other union charges for six months. Resolutions fixing three collecting districts and three relieving officers districts in the union area. (No 1: Ardfield, Cahermore, Castleventry, Coolcraheen, Rathbarry, Rosscarbery; No 2: Argideen, Clonakilty, Kilkeranmore, Kilmoylerane, Kilnagross, Knocks, Rossmore; No 3: Abbeymahon, Butlerstown, Courtmacsherry, Kilmaloda East, Kilmaloda West, Templemallus, Timoleague). 6 Sep 1850 ‘State of the Workhouse’ table records 590 inmates [ie, Clonakilty inmates in workhouses in adjoining unions. This is the first such return in the volume. Subsequent tables are completed more fully, although figures are often corrected or revised in red ink]. 13 Sep 1850 Resolution regarding the statement of the Bandon magistrates, which the board observes ‘confirms our assertion that the cases admitted at Bandon are not bona fide admissions by the Master but are sent in by others through the relieving officers, and it is plain when paupers not properly admissible find they can get into the House in this way having been rejected by us they will naturally flock to Bandon for the purpose’. 20 Sep 1850 Resolution praising Mr Deane, clerk of works at Clonakilty workhouse, ‘for the satisfactory way he has discharged his duties’ [Deane is leaving the district].

27 Sep 1850 Letter read from Irish Tenant League respecting parliamentary voters [no details].

4 Oct 1850 Resolution, in the context of rates, urging the PLC ‘to hasten the final adjustment of the accounts with the adjoining unions’, and stressing ‘the hardship in calling on us to levy money on divisions having a large balance to their credit’. A recurring issue; see also, e.g., 27 Dec 1850]. 18 Oct 1850 Details of Establishment Account for half-year to 30 Sep 1850 recorded (page 4). Res olution asking for branch pipes to supply yards ‘for washing purposes’ and raised stand pipes for the kitchen in the new workhouse. 15 Nov 1850 ‘State of the Workhouse’, ‘Observations’ column notes numbers of inmates in each adjoining workhouse. Bandon: 370; Dunmanway: 10; Skibbereen: 157. Total: 537). [Noted in subsequent returns]. 22 Nov 1850 Resolution suggesting that the whole of the workhouse building be raised to a uniform height of three storeys ‘for which we shall gain two additional dormitories of 28 feet long affording accommodation for not less than 30 paupers’. [See also 20 Dec 1850]

27 Dec 1850 Received from PLC, sealed order of 23 Dec 1850, “General Order for Rate in Aid”.

Cork City and County Archives 2011

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