Clonakility workhouse Board of Guardians (BG65)


IE CCCA/BG/65 Clonakilty Board of Guardians

following the inquiry of 6 July, which recommends building 123 of the 167 cottages proposed (proposed at a cost of £16700)].

15 Jan 1887 LGB letter forwarding 250 copies of the ‘Clonakilty Union Labourers Order 1886’ for serving on inte rested parties. [Confirmed 1 Jul]

4 Mar 1887 LGB letter regarding their engineering inspector’s report on houses on the EDs of Cahermore, Kilmoylerane, and Kilnagross, stating that the final instalment will be withheld until defects are remedied. 11 Mar 1887 Resolution condemning the action of ratepayers ‘who have signed petitions to the LG Board setting forth that cottages are not required in their districts’ [See later minute s, eg, 18 Mar].

13 May 1887 Resolved, ‘until justice is fairly done to the oth er divisions... no houses be included in the present scheme for... Cahermore and Rosscarbery’.

12 Aug 1887 Commissioners of Public Works letter stating that an arbitrator has been appointed ‘in the matter of the Labourers’ Cottages’ . [See 23 Sep]

16 Sep 1887 LGB letter ‘sanctioning Guardians’ application for a loan of £11900 to carry out Improvement Scheme No 2’.

Cork City and County Archives 2011

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