Clonakility workhouse Board of Guardians (BG65)


IE CCCA/BG/65 Clonakilty Board of Guardians

and that the dispensary has temporarily removed to No 1 School St.

8 Jun 1923 Master’s report noting that a wom an presenting with typhoid fever was removed to the fever hospital in Cork ‘as there is now no accommodation in the workhouse for fever patients’. 13 Jul 1923 LG Dept circular urging ‘rigid enforcement’ of the Vaccination Acts, in the context of the outbreak of smallpox in England. The board respond ‘a large number of children are at present being vaccinated’. 26 Oct 1923 Total inmates: 143. Out door relief: 154 persons. Resolution calling for ‘the unconditional release of all political prisoners now inte rned’, and referring to those who ‘have adopted the hunger strike weapon’.


9 Nov 1923 – 25 Apr 1924

Partially indexed. Includes:

11 Jan 1924 Resolution referring to the transfer of a number of blind and infirm inmates to Clonakilty ‘owing to the bur ning of the workhouses in West Cork’, asking that the inmate Daniel Fitzpatrick be appointed temporary wardsman ‘with a view to enforcing discipline and to give him a status’. 25 Jan 1924 Resolution asking the Registrar-General to establish a registration depot at Ardfield Dispensary ‘as was done when medical officers held the post of registrar’, the people there having presently to travel eight miles to register births and deaths.

8 Feb 1924 Clerk reports surcharges made by the auditor, in respect of illegal payment of bonuses and illegal out-door relief.

14 Mar 1924 LG Dept letter sanctioning the proposed ‘high’ remuneration of Eliza Staunton, temporary wardsmaid ‘in view of the influenza epidemic’ [in Rosscarbery]. LG Dept letter stating that no estimate of damage caused to Clonakilty workhouse as a result of British Military occupation has been received. The board respond that a claim amounting to £349 17s 8d was sent in 1922. Letter from LG Dept (Trade Department) notifying that the present price of oil is one penny in excess per gallon than in the current price list. [Departmental price list in effect for many goods]. Note by the board expressing surprise at the medical officers’ ‘declining to require patients to produce tickets when applying for medi cal relief’, noting that the temporary medical officer has attended 33 patients, all of whom produced tickets. 25 Apr 1924 Total inmates: 157. Out door relief cases: 169 persons. LG Dept letter stating that Cork County Council and Cork County Borough have submitted a scheme for the relief of the poor, which the minister intends to confirm, and that arrangements should be made to close union accounts and forward statements of assets and liabilities to the County Council.

Cork City and County Archives 2011

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