IE CCCA/BG/65 Clonakilty Board of Guardians
Government Board, all minutes, returns & c hitherto forwarded to that board mus t in future be forwarded to them’, and that all matters hitherto requiring LGB sanction will now require the Department’s sanction. [See 25 Mar 1921]. Resolution passed appointing representatives to a meeting concerning the amalgamated West Cork Union Area but expressing the view ‘that amalgamation at present is undesirable’. 11 Feb 1921 LGB circular urging ‘every possible economy’ on boards and councils, ‘in view of the withdrawal of the agricultural and other grants by the government’. [L etter also read from Cork County Council asking that the estimate be reconsidered and all non-urgent expenditure removed]. 10 Jun 1921Total inmates: 103. Out door relief: 104 persons. Letter from the Under Secretary, Dublin Castle, forwarding an order withholding payment otherwise payable to the board from the Local Taxation (Ireland) Grant or from any other public funds. Letter from the Medical Officer, Rosscarbery, stating that the dispensary was occupied by military on 29 and 30 May. He found extensive damage on the following day.
13 June 1921 – 28 July 1922
Indexed. Includes:
12 Aug 1921 Total inmates: 103. Out door relief: 105 persons. Letter from the clerk, Bandon Union, asking on what terms the guardians would be prepared to receive a number of Bandon inmates. [See 25 Nov. Two Bandon patients admitted on 12 May 1922]
26 Aug 1921 Report from Medical Officer, Rosscarbery District, reporting 9 cases of diphtheria. [25 Nov: workhouse hospital diphtheria ward closed ]
9 Sep 1921 Resolved, that a deaf mute aged 6 years be admitted to the Catholic Deaf and Dumb Institution, Cabra, Dublin. [See 23 Sep & 12 May]
14 Oct 1921 Extract read from report of the Inspector of the Commissioners of National Education, stating ‘the children are bright and cheerf ul and seem well cared for’, but noting ‘school work has been considerably interrupted during the year’. 11 Nov 1921 Resolution, in response to Cork County Council proposals on the closure of workhouses, expressing approval of ‘the general proposal’ but o pposing the abolition of hospitals in large towns ‘especially in a district like C lonakilty’, noting the long sea -board from Courtmacsherry to Glandore. 2 Jan 1922 Resolution passed approving of the [Anglo-Irish] treaty, expressing the view ‘that the plen ipotentiaries made the best bargain they possibly could under the circumstances’. Eight guardians declined to vote. 27 Jan 1922 LG Dept letter stating that ‘premises occupied by enemy forces shall, on evacuation by them, remain closed’, and ‘that the work house as such shall be abolished as at this date’. The board respond that only a small portion
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