Clonakility workhouse Board of Guardians (BG65)


IE CCCA/BG/65 Clonakilty Board of Guardians

have an installation at the workhouse’. [‘Clerk to reply in the negative’.] List of tenders accepted for food and consumables.

30 Oct 1914 Master’s report stating that ‘Mrs Bence Jones kindly sent a large supply of apples for distribution among the patients and inmates, which were much appreciated’. LGB letter regarding vaccination defaulters to 30 Sep (Clonakilty: 67; Rosscarbery: 29; Timoleague: 45), asking the board to enforce strict compliance. [See also 15 Feb and 14 May 1915] 27 Nov 1914 Visiting Committee report stating that they have visited the hospital kitchen, drying-room and laundry, recently burned down. They recommend a temporary drying room and that ‘steps be taken to re -roof and make good the buildings’. 1 Jan 1915 Master’s report stating that Messrs Deasy and Co supplied a barrel of stout for Christmas Day, and that Lady Carbery ‘sent a supply of cakes, fruit, & c for distribution amongst the children’. [See also 11 Dec] Resolved, that £4654 is the estimated amount required to meet liabilities for the coming year, to be provided by Cork County Council. Resolved, in the case of a deserted child, the guardians ‘take on themselves all the rights and powers of the parent of such child’. 22 Jan 1915 Copy of report of the Inspector of Lunatics. Six inmates are classed as insane – four male and two female – and there are ‘three epileptic idiot children’. The report is generally positive, but it is recommended that some ‘primitive’ sanitary arrangements ‘be replaced by modern sanitation’. 19 Mar 1915 LGB letter regarding irregular school attendance by some boarded out children. The board note ‘owing to inclement weather during past three or four months it was impossible for children to attend regularly ’. Tenders for supply of medicines and medical and surgical appliances received. 30 Apr 1915 Visiting committee report in which it is strongly recommended ‘that the very young children get butter with their potatoes in place of fish for dinner... the tea chers informed us it had a very bad effect on them’. 14 May 1915 Resolution condemning ‘the atrocious murders that have been committed by the sinking of the Lusitania’ and expressing admiration ‘of the gallant manner in which the Courtmacsherry Life Boat Crew answered to the call of duty, as usual, being altogether at sea from 3pm to 1am practically rowing all the time with superhuman efforts’. 11 Jun 1915 Resolution regarding charges made against a relieving officer in the LGB inspector’s report, stating that the board are satisfied that the officer’s methods of distributing relief ‘do not in any way injure the poor people’, and referring to the officer’s letter of explanation and his recent domestic difficulties. They ask the LGB for ‘favourable consideration’. [Relieving officer’s letter printed in newscutting inserted on pages 662 -63.]

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