IE CCCA/BG/65 Clonakilty Board of Guardians
2 Apr 1852 Sealed order received rescinding the reservation order for accommodation of Clonakilty inmates in Skibbereen workhouse. [No Clonakilty inmates in Skibbereen, one in Bandon, at this time].
8 Apr 1852 Notice of motion to have the chargeability of 11 paupers changed [a recurring subject].
16 Apr 1852 No inmates under reservation orders.
30 Apr 1852 Sealed order received rescinding the reservation order for accommodation of Clonakilty inmates in Bandon workhouse.
7 May 1852 Visiting committee report recommending that the board purchase a capstan mill for 30 men, and that buildings for it be erected. [Consideration postponed by board until September] Letter received from 2 nd Regiment stating that a recruiting party is to attend in Ba ndon ‘and that if any paupers in the workhouse are willing to enlist that they may get directions to proceed to Bandon’.
8 Oct 1852 Total inmates: 292 (on 6 Oct 1849: 818; on 5 Oct 1850: 546; on 4 Oct 1851: 448)
5 Nov 1852 Deed of charge for repayment of £900 to be advanced by the Public Works Loan Commissioners signed and sealed. [For remaining workhouse building costs. See 3 Sep] 19 Nov 1852 PLC letter stating that the adjustment order for Clonakilty Union will be issued ‘at an early date’. [ Sealed order dated 29 Dec 1852, being adjustment of liabilities between the unions of Clonakilty, Bandon, Dunmanway, and Skibbereen, opened on 7 Jan 1853 (see BG/65/A/3.] 24 Dec 1852 Resolution admitting a man and his family, but expressing the view that it is ‘unjust’ that this man ‘who was resident in England for 12 years... should now when broken down in health and in destitute circumstances be thrown as a burden and expense on this union’. 31 Dec 1852 Master’s report stating that the parties prosecuted by the p orter at Macroom sessions [for stealing clothes] were convicted and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment.
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