Midleton workhouse Board of Guardians (BG118)

Midleton Board of Guardians IE CCCA BG/118

Records of inmates of the Workhouse (1841-1925), especially the indoor relief registers, record personal information on those who admitted to the Workhouse. They are a valuable source for family and genealogy research. The registers are supplemented by related records, such as admission and discharge books (1913- 25), Infirmary medical weekly returns (1915-19) and records of births and deaths (1844-1932). The collection is of use to those studying the administrative and social history of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and to students of local and family history. The development of the poor law system, and the local experience of the Great Famine of 1845-49, are subjects of particular interest.

[See descriptive list below for detailed descriptions of series and items]

Arrangement The collection is arranged into 19 separate series, under 6 different headings (see table of contents). This arrangement is based on that devised for Poor Law records nationally by Sean McMenamin of the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (see Appendix 2 to McMenamin’s article in Irish Archives Bulletin Vol 1, No 2, October 1971). Please note that gaps occur in many series.


1. Minute Books A3-139

Board of Guardian Minute Books Board of Guardian Rough Minute Book

1845-1924 (107 items) 1896-1897 (1 item) 1896-1922 (2 items) 1874-1887 (1 item)



Resolution Books


Executive Officer’s Report Book

2. Accounts

CA1-22 CB1-15 CD1-2

General Ledgers Personal Ledgers

1856-1924 (7 items) 1854-1914 (6 items) 1899-1922 (2 items) 1899-1924 (4 items) 1911-1920 (1 item) 1906-1920 (3 items) 1910-1916 (1 item)

Financial Statements Book – Receipts Financial Statements Expenditure

CE1, 8-10


Treasurers Bank Book


Day Books


Clerk’s Petty Disbursements

3. Workhouse: Administration


Provision Check Account Book Workhouse Farm Account Book

1921-1923 (1 item) 1899 – 1966 (1 item)

4. Workhouse: Inmates


Indoor Relief Registers

1841-1923 (42 items) 1913-1925 (8 items) 1917-1919 (1 item)


Admission and Discharge Books


Indoor Relief List

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