Midleton workhouse Board of Guardians (BG118)

Midleton Board of Guardians IE CCCA BG/118

houses be permitted to work ‘in the breakage of stone’ or on roads, so that ‘the inducements to continue inmates… will be materially… removed… without prejudice to… the interests of free labour’. 30 Aug 1849 Proposed reduced salaries of officers, in light of ‘the greatly diminished duties’ of relieving officers and ‘the greatly reduced circumstances of the rate payers’. 6 Sep 1849 Resolved, to accept Major Bolton’s proposal regarding the emigration of 60 female pauper orphans; notice of resolution to seek measures to facilitate the division of the union as proposed by the Boundary Commissioners [creating a separate Youghal union].


8 Oct 1849 – 19 Oct 1849


(inside front cover) ‘Accommodation Table’ showing a total of 3620 places in seven buildings, including the two Youghal houses.

8. 9.


2 May 1850 – 28 Nov 1850


9 May 1850 Resolved, that a new valuation of the union be made, as, since the last valuation in 1841, agricultural prices have dropped by nearly one half, and that the PLC be asked to provide a loan of £5000 for current purposes. 23 May 1850 Letter regarding returns sought by parliament relative to cholera in the Union district. It is explained that temporary hospitals and committees have been dissolved, and that there is now no source for such information. 27 Jul 1850 Noted in statistical tables for 20 July that ‘198 paupers chargeable to Youghal U nion are now located in Midleton workhouse’. [Noted in tables up to September]

12 Sep 1850 Resolved, that stated reductions in staff and salaries be adopted, in view of ‘the severance of the Youghal districts’ and ‘diminished pauperism’.

28 Nov 1850 Resolved, that PLC ask the electoral divisions now in Youghal Union to settle liabilities [i.e., pay debts to Midleton U nion], as it is ‘a manifest hardship’ to strik e rates and seek loans while other monies remain unpaid.

10. 11. 12.

Missing Missing

31 Dec 1851 – 14 Jul 1852


28 Jan 1852 PLC letter objecting to the appointment to the fever hospital of a nurse who is unable to read or write, with a statement in reply by the medical

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