Schull Board of Guardians
necessary’. The board notes ‘there is no possible chance of reducing same’. Allowances granted to a number of applicants for burial expenses.
14 Mar 1921 Relieving officer’s letter regarding relief for the family of a woman ‘in possession of a small farm of land but in very poor circumst ances. The family are almost naked and I saw no appearance of food in the house and from inquiries made I believe food cannot be purchased’. Relief refused. 2 May 1921 LG Dept letter directing the board not to order new drugs until they hear from the General Council of County Councils, which has entered into an arrangement with a firm at a 20% discount on current prices. [See 13 Jun]. Letter from Edward Shipsey, brother of the medical officer of Schull dispensary district regarding the latter’s absence on sick leave and substitute arrangements . He notes ‘Schull is the largest dispensary district in the county except one and it would be impossible for any medical man non-resident to perform the duties of it and the hospital and another district unless he had the use of a motor car’. 13 Jun 1921 Resolution passed appointing chairman and vice- chairmen ‘but should Mr Jerh McCarthy, who is in jail at present, come home in the meantime, Mr Wilcox must forego the chairmanship’. 30 Jun 1921 Special meeting: ‘The clerk reported that on the night of the 25 th or morning of the 26 th inst, the workhouse was almost completely burned. There were some mattresses, bedclothes, chairs, provisions and necessaries, books etc saved’. It is resolved that fit inmates be boarded out and that the Cork and Bantry unions and Cork Blind Asylum be written to ‘to know if they would take the other inmates that may be left’. [9 inmates remaining on 3 July, 3 on 30 July, and none on 22 August. On 12 July, the clerk read a letter from Miss Rycroft threatening legal action unless the trespass in a house owned by her ceases. The inmates were removed to this unoccupied house (p389). House officials other than the clerk had their posts abolished at this meeting (regarding their compensation and superannuation see, eg, 6 Mar 1922 below)]. 30 Sep 1921 Letter from Dr Neville, Goleen, stating ‘I neither stole or removed the missing midwifery forceps or ear syringe from Ballydehob dispensary depot. As a matter of fact I never even saw them there or damn little else’.
17 Oct 1921 Inmates: 0. Out door relief: 80 persons.
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