Dunmanway workhouse Board of Guardians (BG83)

Dunmanway Board of Guardians


30 Sep 1843 Resolved that committees be appointed to draft resolutions, to express regret at the PLC’s decision to dismiss Assistant Commissioner Voules, and to express approbation of his ability and zeal. [See also 14 Oct] 3 Feb 1844 Resolution expressing the view that the board’s arrangement for Catholic and Protestant chaplains ‘is the only feasible one which this small and poor un ion could adopt’ (chaplains to be paid £25 salary, inmates to attend local places of worship on Sundays and holy days). 30 Mar 1844 Clerk directed to advertise a notice to farmers ‘that the guardians are desirous to place in their service, on advantageous terms to the farmers, both boys and girls of different ages, thus relieving the union of a burden, and benefitting all parties’.

8 Jun 1844 Resolved, that the rate collector be prosecuted for failing to fulfil the conditions of his bond.

5 Jul 1844 Mast er’s report noting that attendance at places of worship on the previous Sunday by inmates was at church: 7, at chapel: 137. [Recurring item]

31 Aug 1844 Committee appointed ‘to provide some system of labour for the employment of the paupers and in particu lar to try the manufacture of flax’. [See also, eg, 18 Jan 1845] 12 Oct 1844 Resolution approving of a resolution of the Limerick Board of Guardians protesting at ‘the unconstitutional interference and undue controlling power sought to be exercised by the Poor Law Commissioners over the office and services of the clerks of unions generally throughout Ireland’. [ See also 2 Nov.] 1 Feb 1845 Resolved, that the clerk advertise to offer a reward of one guinea ‘to such person or persons as shall give such infor mation as will lead to conviction of certain individuals who have deserted their wives and children’. 15 Feb 1845 Master’s report noting that he prevented, as directed, the attendance of inmates at worship, ‘on account of the prevalence of fever in the wo rkhouse’.

15 Mar 1845 Reply to PLC letter, explaining that since 27 Jan 1844 all paupers have been charged to the union at large, as ‘the most equitable arrangement’.

29 Mar 1845 Return of guardians elected for the following year.

Cork City and County Archives 2011

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