Dunmanway workhouse Board of Guardians (BG83)

Dunmanway Board of Guardians


acres under wheat are down 1/3 rd , with a further 1/3 rd deficient, the oat crop appears favourable, but there is hardly any barley in the area, and the present unfavourable weather threatens the entire grain crop. Resolution expressing alarm at striking another three shilling rate, noting the depressive effect on farmers and employment. Reference is made to the poorness of the union and the report of the inspector under the Ration Act. It is noted that the union was not among the 22 unions ‘to whom relief was afforded so liberally during the last 10 months by the B ritish Association’. 9 Sep 1848 Reports (1) of the manufacture committee regarding the employment of female paupers in the manufacture of wool [Commenced. See, eg, visiting committee report, 30 Sep]; (2) of the PLC inspector, noting the house is ‘generally in good order’, and referring to the girls’ school [see 16 Sep], kitchen steam apparatus, poor quality bread, and the ‘irregularity’ of male and female paupers working together digging potatoes. 16 Sep 1848 Resolution regarding the dismissal of the rate revisor, stating that he ‘has been guilty of defalcations as paymaster under the board of works’, and rejecting charges by him of ‘malice and spite’ on the board ’s part .

30 Sep 1848 Old Brewery taken as a temporary workhouse for one year.

2 Dec 1848 Resolution regarding the proposal of the Poor Law Boundary Commissioners to take of ploughlands in Kilmeen ED and add them to the new Clonakilty Union. The board protests ‘against the immediate erection of any additional workhouses’, noting that no new house could be completed within two years, by which time ‘existing pressures’ will have subsided. They believe the workhouse and auxiliary houses will meet this year’s requirements ‘so reduced in number is the po pulation by death and emigration ’. They refer to l ikely changes in EDs and areas of taxation, noting ‘few persons are so ignorant or infatuated as to prefer supporting persons in idleness in the workhouse to employing them profitably on their properties when the law leaves them no alternative’.

16 Dec 18 48 Master reports ‘that the men employed at the quarry are not doing a fair proportion of work ’ . Ordered to break stones at a rate per day.

23 Dec 1848 Total inmates: 1045 (Deaths: 7) [accommodation: workhouse: 600, additional workhouses: 900; fever hospital: 60 (total:1560)] Establishment account [quarterly], and other accounts, recorded.

Cork City and County Archives 2011

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