Dunmanway workhouse Board of Guardians (BG83)

Dunmanway Board of Guardians



26 Feb 1848 – 23 Dec 1848

Partially indexed. This and subsequent volumes include a table to record out door relief, in addition to the usual State of the Workhouse table. Includes:

26 Feb 1848 Total inmates: 820 (12 deaths); Out door relief: 2118 persons Resolution expressing ‘great regret’ at a letter from the board’s chairman, Daniel Conner, stating that he is obliged to put 250 men out of work, owing to ‘the repeated blunders of the board of works, and the obstinacy of the paymaster of civil services’, and that it will be the board’s ‘painful duty’ to provide relief for the men and their families (about 1000 persons). Conner notes that Under Secretary Redington ‘appears to think the starvation of so many unfortunate persons a subject quite beneath his notice, as he has not condescended to attend to my last two communications’. 25 Mar 1848 Resolution calling on Mr Griffith to dismiss Mr Irwin, rates in spector, or move him from the locality, owing to his ‘intermeddling’ in matters outside his sphere, and ‘unprovoked hostility’ to board members. 15 Apr 1848 Total inmates: 853 (27 deaths); Out door relief: 3326 persons PLC order authorising relief to able-bodied men, excepting unmarried men and those with no more than two dependent children. 22 Apr 1848 Resolved, that PLC authority be sought for funds to outfit the 44 female orphan volunteers for emigration to Australia. [See 17 Jun] Resolution informing Inchageela Relief Committee that the soup house will be discontinued, owing to ‘the expenses attending cooked food’. Resolved, that observations on the state of the workhouse by Major Stewart, temporary inspector, be inserted on the minutes. 20 May 1848 Resolutions regarding charges of intoxication against the master, and a charge of suppressing a resolution against the clerk [ ‘the whole subject’ of the clerk’s conduct being under investigation. 27 May: clerk dismissed]. 10 Jun 1848 Total inmates: 985 (deaths: 7). Out door relief: 2147 persons. Master reports that a woman found to have a child’s frock in her pocket was confined to the black hole. Ordered to be turned out of the house. Further ordered that boys reported for misconduct be whipped by the master. 8 Jul 1848 Replies to queries from the Poor Law Boundary Commissioners. The board do not think the union should be altered at present, but that ‘grave consideration’ may be required if Clonakilty is separated from Bandon. 5 Aug 1848 Total inmates: 905 (deaths: 7). Out door relief: 1798 persons. Resolved, that out door relief is to cease from this date, paupers to be admitted to the workhouse and remaining meal delivered to the master. 19 Aug 1848 Medical offi cer’s report stating that the sick have been moved to the new fever ward and ‘that the change had been of great service’. Reply to PLC circular, noting that about ¼ of the potato crop is gone, that

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