Dunmanway Board of Guardians
report ‘to the effect that the male teacher was incompetent’. [See 17 also Oct] Resolved, that 15% be struck off the salaries of union officers, in consequence of ‘the total failure of the potato crop’. [PLC disapproves. See 17 Oct, 5 Dec] 15 Aug 1846 Res olution received from a meeting of ‘the parishioners, farmers, rate payers and labourers of the parish of Kilmeen’, requesting, in the context of ‘the appalling distress’ and ‘the total loss of the entire potato crop’, a reduction in union salaries and exp enses, and ‘some means for the immediate relief of the labouring class... who are in the most destitute condition’. 22 Aug 1846 Resolution appointing a committee to have workhouse land cropped with corn and vegetable crops, to substitute for potatoes in the dietary ‘and at the same time tend to the introduction of their culture amongst the general population of the union’. 12 Sep 1846 Ordered, that the PLC be informed that while the board is anxious to have a fever hospital ‘under the present circumstance s of the country they do not conceive themselves justified in levying a rate for that purpose’. [Orders also made respecting the saving to be made by erecting an oven in the house, and the manufacture of wool products in the house]. Resolved, that the case against the master is ‘fully proved’, but that he be fined rather than dismissed, as the guardians who brought forward the charge ‘humanely interfered on his behalf’. [Further resolved to appoint a committee to inspect the quality of provisions with the master].
3 Oct 1846 Resolved, ‘that we are of opinion that all founding children aged 12 months be received as paupers into this house’.
21 Nov 1846 Total inmates: 423 [capacity: 400 (first total to exceed capacity)]
5 Dec 1846 – 25 Sep 1847
5 Dec 1846 Resolved, not to reject applicants ‘however numerous, who from age and infirmity are peculiarly the fit objects for a poor house’. [Total: 534]
19 Dec 1846 Visiting committee report referring to the attempted theft of at least 4lb of bread by a girl admitted to visit her sick uncle, which is thought ‘convincing proof that the sick are not scantily supplied’. 2 Jan 1847 Report following meeting of the medical officer and visiting committee, ordering a new dietary, in consequence of the deaths of several children and the prevalence of dysentery. [Total inmates: 712 (deaths: 16)]. 9 Jan 1847 Resolution appointing a committee to make strict enquiry into whether the husbands of women in the house are employed on public works. House committee report clearing Dr Holmes, vaccinator, of charges made by Dr Crooke. [Total inmates: 839 (deaths: 21)]
16 Jan 1847 Report by Assistant Commissioner Burke, noting the dirtiness of the house, the disregard of classification of inmates, gates left open, disorder
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