Cork 800 Maritime Exhibition Catalogue (SM994)

ai nbga nwdeodngeedd wi nh et hnes ruobcskesq, ut ehne tsht ei gr nh lsyeiansgbar ot kr ieghhet ra inng tl ewsot,ot hi te. b o w s r e m a i n ­ (Irish Offshore Diving Contracts: B. Bermingham) 60. Orion. This Norwegian barque lost her mainmast some 500 miles off Cape Chelreaorn, aarnrdivjaulrtyh-errigeg. ed, sailed unaided into Cobh inJuly 1900. Photo shows (W.A. Swanton) 61. Fallso/Garry was one of the finest ships ofthe Glasgow Falls Line. 2026 cons, f s b h r u o e m i l s t t P r 1 u 8 o c 8 r k t 6 P . o i n A r i f t e t h e t e r o S a Q o n v u e e e v r e e e n n ig s t c f n o u w i l s n c la a n f r o d e r e s r o o , r h d e e O r r s l y . a s O s te t n r v o H 2 y 2 a a v g A e e n p , r C a il n a d 1 p 9 t w a 1 i a 1 n s , R i w n o r t e b h c e k i r c t e k s d , f . w og a , s ff (B. Bermingham) 62. SS FJ Zorro. 6000 ton British oil tanker, torpedoed 10 miles south ofthe Old Hmea ak de Co fo Kr ki nbsuatl ei no nb at dh ewme aot rhneirncgoonfd2i t8i oDn se cweemnbt ears,h o1 9r e1 5a.nSdhber oa tktee mi npttwe do itno fo CMhainn eOs e' Wl a abro cuor ev er s naer ae rs aRieda tnoi ehs aHv ee abde ,e annedmnpal mo yeedd i nr saanl veaagrilni egr tshhei pwwr er ec ckk. . (B. Bermingham) 63. SS Norwegian 6500 ton British steamer torpedoed off Galley Head on 13 t M v h o a e l r u r c e n h . t e L 1 e o 9 r c s 1 a 7 w l . p it A e h o t t t p e h l m e e i p s r a t f l e i v r d a s t g a f e b d oe e a rubber. (B. Bermingham) 64. American warships in Cork Harbour during the first World War. The USS Davis in Rushbrooke dockyard, and the USS Wadsworth (Cobh Museum) 65. SS Celtic. When built in the 1900s, was believed to be the biggest liner afloat. Wrecked on Roches Point in 1928. (Cobh Museum) 66. The Liners, Britannic, Columbus and lie de France entering Cork Harbour in 1932. (Cobh Museum) 67. Liner UnitedStates (C.H.C.) 68. Kerry Head. A collier owned by Herriott's of Limerick. Was the first Irish sShuirpv itvoi nbge tdhei lsi ,bsehrea twe al ys aa tt tt aa cc kk ee dd ai ng aWi noor nl d2W2 Saer pI It ebmy ba ier cr r1a9f4t 0i na nAdu sguuns kt ,1 w9 4i t0h. loss ofall 12 crew, off Cape Clear. 69. a a r c n m h u i s m n . g Hb o e e n r r o v th f a l r e u i f R a le b e s d l e w S c h t a r i r a c g n h o d w i n a e c n r l e d u t d s o a e n p d k r c o o i v n p id p th e e r e l o a b c n Irish Fir. Second ship of this name. Built in the Liffey dockyard for Irish Shipping in 1956. Broken up at Cartagena 1978. (W.B. McCarthy) 70. MV Irish Holly. This tanker, 2940 tons, built 1954 for Irish Shipping by Grays of Hartlepool, was the first vessel co visit Whitegate Oil Refinery. (Cobh Museum) 71 . Ser ofpicturesofCeltic Coasters' tankers (W. B. McCarthy) 72. Bell Rival. Bell Line Container ship. Built 1975, 1500 tons and sold to a German shipping company in 1984.

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St. George: the dragon on che pediment of the original offices of rhc St. George Steam Packet company 55 . Examples ofsome of the crans-Aclantic liners which used to call regularly at Cobh between 1930 and 1950 (Commodore Hore!, Cobh) 56. Cork Quays with shipping and shelteringtrawlers. Contemporary watercol- our by Aidan Staunton. (A. Staunton) 5 7. Pa111ir. One ofthe last great sailing shipscarrying grain. Cork Harbour once sloanwggvroeyaat gneusmtobe'Qrsuoefetnhsetosewbnig sraOilirndgerssh' coming in, at the end of their fo 58. The Cape Clear fishing fl Laurence Collection of phoeteots,anc.d 1s9c0e0n.esAat tthWisepsterCioodrk, tphoerreeswfarosmmuthche fishing and fi herringand msahc-kperroacleaststinhge pacotritvsi.ty in the area and salting and barrelling of (Cape Clear Museum) 59. PHOTOGRAPHS CITY OF CHICAGO. This Inman liner ran into the Old Head ofKinsale in fog ff p a s s, e nl gJeur sl ya n d1 8 c9r2e,w wweedr eg ianbgl e ht oe re sbcoawp es . fHi rompleys oi nf ttoo wt ihneg chlei r os ,f fuhpa dwc oh ibc he



Cork City and County Archives SM994

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